由微波工作室 (Microwave Studio) 主辦及 Art-Tech Talks旗下項目 – Chill Play Talks協辦的「Micro-Cinema 動畫放映會暨分享會」,聯同七位本地動畫師將於JCCAC工作室開放日 9月14至15日,為期兩日舉辦精彩動畫放映會暨分享會,屆時將播放八套精選本地原創動畫, 讓你置身動畫世界,感受本地動畫的魅力!放映會後更設有動畫師的分享環節,本地動畫師們將會介紹影片,探討其獨特之處和製作心得,大家可發表意見及評論。現場不設劃位和自由入座,歡迎登記參加:https://forms.gle/ZKHDUdiaLzmjgaNQ9。
今次 Micro-Cinema 動畫放映會暨分享會,邀請本地七位本地動畫師播放他們的動畫作品,透過今次活動令公眾有機會接觸到不同類型的作品,還感受到大銀幕的威力;兩天的放映會播放八套本地原創動畫影片,放映會後加設了分享會,與本地動畫師直接交流,與大家分享創作的過程和心得。
首天 (9月14日)分享會邀請 《Energy》的創作人本地動畫師 Cyrus Leung 和 歌手 Claudia Ng 於現場及線上與大家進行分享會;次日 (9月15日) 邀請到創作《破》的動畫師 Yoyo Hung和《My bathtub is linked to the sea 》Scarlett Ty 於現場進行交流互動,歡迎一同置身動畫世界,感受本地動畫的魅力!
八套本地原創動畫影片也別具個人風格主題,當中的動畫包括有:《Exogospel》、《Energy》、《My Bathtub is Linked to the Sea》、《Journey Beyond》、《Torikase 理想委托人》、《破》、《Little Thoughts Courier 靈感快遞》和《Microwave》。
1/《Exogospel》17’07” Cyrus Leung
《Exogospel》作品講述於 1957年9月7日,太空記者Zula N***被派遣進行前往赫爾梅提亞7-c的探險。在傳輸中斷後失去了聯繫,她再也沒有回來。直到2023年7月14日,在太平洋中回收了紀錄片帶之前,沒有進一步的遭遇。
On September 7, 1957, astrojournalist Zula N*** was sent on an expedition to Hermetia 7-c. Contact had been lost after a disruption in transmission and she never returned. There are no further encounters until the retrieval of the documentary tape in the Pacific Ocean on July 14, 2023.
The following transcription was roughly translated from hermetian after deciphering from the audio file:
“link has been severed… the alchemists were not supposed to get this far… someone make sure that oblivious earth person never spread the disease to whatever system the tape landed”.
-Music by Cyrus Leung
-Animation by Cyrus Leung, Louise Chan & Thomas Leung
-Drums by Jerry Choi
-Cajon & djembe by Kelvin Wong
-Trumpet by Skyguy Mok
-Everything else by Cyrus Leung
-Recorded by Cyrus Leung & Ken Wan
-Mixed by Cyrus Leung
-Mastered by Ken Wan
-Special thanks to Sleepy, JK & Charles
2/《Energy》3’43”Cyrus Leung, Claudia Ng
Energy is film about self healing and the coping of losing a loved one. Told in a non-linear narrative, the main charater walks through a world within the vortex caused by the trauma of a loved one’s suicide. In a world where nothing feels right anymore, she develops a defence mechanism through engaging in dysfunctional relationships, and unknowingly starting to create a split personality. At the edge of breaking apart, she came to the realisation that connecting with oneself and self healing is the cure to the hole in the heart.
3/《My Bathtub is Linked to the Sea》Scarlett Ty
創作者 Scarlett Ty 希望這套動畫試圖可視化並表達這種圓形束縛感,並透過主角的獨白和她感知逐漸惡化的旅程;作品探討了那些受到心理疾病困擾的人的陰暗狀態。
MY BATHTUB IS LINKED TO THE SEA is a short experimental work that deals with the idea and experience of anxiety. Like an uncontrollable and inexplicable loop, anxiety often entails short but repeated episodes of intense fear. This feeling of terror comes as a series of unexpected attacks that enslaves the mind of the one who is going through it.
MY BATHTUB IS LINKED TO THE SEA attempts to visualize and express this sense of circular entrapment. Through the protagonist’s monologue and her journey of deteriorating perceptions, the work explores the dark state that haunts those who are under the spell of psychological disorders.
4/《Journey Beyond》Valerie Ying
創作者應天悅畢業於香港城市大學,主修創意媒體; 現時是一位專注於平面手繪動畫的藝術家,對音頻混音和音樂創作亦有著濃厚的興趣。她對抽象動畫的關注是由它所提供的無限創意機會所驅動的,並擁抱一種創造性精神——創造力的唯一限制是思想本身。在充滿敘事動畫的環境中,應氏提出了一個問題:為什麼不純粹為了視覺吸引力而製作動畫,超越線性說故事的限制?她希望觀眾能夠投入她的作品之中並嘗試了解她的幻想世界。
Valerie Ying is a skilled artist proficient in 2D hand-drawn animation, with a keen interest in audio mixing and music creation. Her focus on abstract animation is driven by the limitless creative opportunities it presents and embraces a creative ethos where the only limitation for creativity is the mind itself. In a landscape abundant with narratively driven animations, Valerie poses a question: why not craft animations purely for visual allure, transcending the constraints of linear storytelling? Her aspiration is for viewers to engage with her work and ponder the depths of her imaginative world.
In her 3.5-minute animation “Journey Beyond”, the film ventures into the intriguing realm of the afterlife from a positive and imaginative perspective. It offers a non-linear exploration of the afterlife’s stages, providing a glimpse into the ethereal journey that awaits beyond mortality. Through her creative lens, Valerie challenges the conventional portrayal of death as ominous, instead presenting it as a mysterious and thought-provoking passage for departing souls.Valerie Ying (b. 2002) recently received her Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media from City University of Hong Kong.
5/《Torikase 理想委托人》Jenny Tsoi – Motion Universe Studio
《Torikase 理想委托人》這部作品講述來自天堂的「鼠鼠仔」為了延續自己的壽命,接下委托來到人間,要想盡辦法去解決女孩的煩惱來完成任務。
《Torikase 理想委托人》在11th Animation Support Program (HK) 小型企業(基本製作)獲銀獎。Motion Universe Studio是一間香港動畫工作室,主要以動畫、插畫、動態圖像等媒體,帶出不同故事和理念。
Mini Mouse – a creature from heaven, who was appointed to solve problems of a girl to extend his life.
6/《破》Yoyo Hung
7/《Little Thoughts Courier靈感快遞》Tiny Stringer
《Little Thoughts Courier靈感快遞》這作品探討「靈感」在哪?在畫植物花卉圖時,阿霧被帶到「靈感快遞」的世界了。 人們如快遞員都在收集他們的靈感郵件。阿霧收下郵件,跟從着這個世界的陌生人們,也許可以容許一點好奇心,也許會有一點意外,也許就是遇見的人們給予一點點靈光。收下這份「靈感」郵件,更需要是勇氣和好奇心去探索,阿霧開始雲遊創作的送件旅程。
《Little Thoughts Courier靈感快遞》同時獲得第十一屆 動畫支援計劃 11th Animation Support Program (HK)。
8/《Microwave》4’30” Microwave Studio
《Microwave》於第十一屆 動畫支援計劃 11th Animation Support Program (HK)獲得初創動畫企業優異獎的成績。
Micro-Cinema 動畫放映會
日期: 2024年9月14日-9月15日
時間:7pm – 9pm
地點:香港石硤尾白田街30號 賽馬會創意藝術中心6樓613室